
Expanding Access and Building Awareness

Our education efforts are designed to bring Fascial Counterstrain awareness and care into as many communities as possible.

Building Public Awareness

People can’t take advantage of something they don’t know exists. We create educational materials to make understanding Counterstrain available to the everyday person.

Supporting Practitioner Education

Need exceeds practitioner availability. We work closely with leading training institutions to figure our how to support more dedicated practitioners achieve certification and true competency.

Expanding Access and Building Awareness



Public Education

What are we doing to expand public awareness about Fascial Counterstrain?

The purpose of this initiative is to disseminate information and build public awareness to make counterstrain more accessible to people who could benefit from it.

Twenty years ago, acupuncture in the United States was still considered an alternative, even bizarre, medical practice.

Today, it seems like your neighbor, every pro-athlete, and their aunt has an acupuncturist they love.

Because Fascial Counterstrain is unlike any other physical therapy or medicine, it is hard for people who haven’t experienced it to understand what it is and how it might help.

Our goal is to do for Fascial Counterstrain, what has been done for acupuncture. No, acupuncture isn’t for everyone and Fascial Counterstrain won’t be either, but we want to make it a familiar household name, so that the people whose cases will benefit from Fascial Counterstrain care are able to access it with ease and confidence.

To this end we both create and sponsor educational efforts that help demystify what Fascial Counterstrain is and what it can do for people.

Supporting Practitioners

How are we bringing quality Counterstrain care to more communities?

Expanding access to quality Fascial Counterstrain care for new communities is a multifaceted endeavor. One of the most impactful ways to do this is to work directly with healthcare providers already embedded within underserved populations.

These dedicated individuals often possess a deep understanding of the unique challenges their communities face and are best positioned to deliver culturally competent care.

However, for many aspiring practitioners, pursuing advanced training in Fascial Counterstrain can be a daunting prospect.

Recognizing this critical need, we established the Practitioner Scholarship Fund as a way to break down the barriers that prevent more providers from investing in training to achieve high levels of technique competency.

Through these scholarships, we not only empower aspiring practitioners to achieve mastery in Fascial Counterstrain but also foster a more inclusive and diverse healthcare landscape.

For more on the Scholarship Program, keep reading

Practitioner Scholarship Program

What will the practitioner scholarship look like?

The purpose of the Practitioner Scholarship Program is to subsidize the tuition costs of Fascial Counterstrain training courses.

Becoming competent and skilled at Fascial Counterstrain requires the investment of several years and thousands of dollars. There are many providers for whom this investment is a challenge and still others who are not able to see their training through due to a wide variety of obstacles, limitations, and unexpected hurdles.

Many of the most committed FCS students are driven by their passion to bring quality FCS care to new and often underserved communities. We’ve seen a growing number of people who experienced the transformative effects of FCS in their own health journeys and have made entire career changes because they want to bring this treatment to the underserved communities they are a part of - like veterans, LGBTQIA+, women, and survivors of assault and abuse.

Our hope is that this Practitioner Scholarship Program will help would-be-practitioners overcome challenges that might otherwise disrupt their education pursuits.

Practitioner Scholarship Program
How does the Scholarship Program work

How will the Scholarship Program work?

The Practitioner Scholarship Program will award $375 - $750 scholarships to licensed healthcare providers enrolled in Fascial Counterstrain training courses at the Jones Institute.

Sign up to be notified when we open applications for the 2025 Academic Year.


Who will be eligible for a Practitioner Scholarships?

When reviewing applications, we'll take into consideration a variety of factors - like common barriers to higher education, a provider's passion to become a Counterstrain expert, and a provider's dedication to giving back to underserved communities and patients.

• Provider is enrolled in a Jone Isnstitute course
• Provider is passionate about specializing in and committed to working towards Fascial Counterstrain certification
• Provider has or is experiencing need, limitation, or hardship that the scholarship will help them overcome



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. At this time a provider can apply for up to 2 grants annually. If you have already been awarded a grant, it must have already been used before you can apply for another.
  • If you are awarded a Scholarship, funds will be sent directly to the education institution where you are enrolled.
  • Currently, we are only able to award scholarships within the United States to the Jones Institute. We also hope to make scholarships available to Counterstrain Academy students in the near future. We dream of someday expanding the program to provide scholarships internationally but that is beyond our administrative and funding capacity at this time.

Help bring Fascial Counterstrain to new communities!

Make a Donation Today

You can help us bring Fascial Counterstrain care to new communities by sponsoring the Practitioner Scholarship Program.

The Practitioner Scholarship Program will provide partial and full scholarships to cover the cost of tuition for Fascial Counterstrain courses and certification. By supporting one provider to hone their Fascial Counterstrain skills, we are able to positively impact the health outcomes of the hundreds of patients they see every year. These providers are embedded within underserved communities and are uniquely positioned to improve access to quality Counterstrain care today. Not someday.


or $62.50/mo supports supports a dedicated provider to acquire an additional level of training in a new system of the body enabling them to more effectiely treat more conditions and injuries that affect their patients.


or $125/mo supports a provider to attend a 40 hour mentorship course that provides in depth, one-on-one tutelage to help them develop true competency and achieve positive results for more patients.


helps us build and extend our scholarship reserve by an entire year so that we can ensure long term support to practitioners investing in or making career changes to bring FCS to underserved communities - like the armed forces, minority communities, and first responders.

Becoming a Practitioner

Becoming a Practitioner

The Bridge Back Project is not a Fascial Counterstrain training institution and we do not offer FCS training courses. We provide scholarships to individual students that can be applied to the tuition costs at Fascial Counterstrain education institutions in the United States - the Jones Institute and the Counterstrain Academy.

To get started, visit the Jones Institute and speak with their team directly with any questions you have about courses and scheduling. Once you know which course(s) you plan to take, get in touch and we can discuss the scholarship options that are best for you.

You can review an illustrated overview of the practitioner journey to certification on the Counterstrain Academy’s website here.

U.S. Fascial Counterstrain Education Institutions

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